JOIN WITH US TO KEEP ONTARIO PLACE A PLACE FOR ALLStop the loss of Ontario Place as a public space. Stop the reckless destruction of an iconic heritage landmark for a private spa. Help us reset the future of Ontario Place.Take Action Get our newsletter
Check out A Better Idea for Ontario PlaceLearn More
Check out your Ontario Place memories, submitted at our first rally!
Make your voice heard
Tell decision makers that you want a say in what happens to Ontario Place
Ontario Place is currently a free, open and accessible waterfront park that is used by more than a million people every year. It is also an internationally recognized architectural treasure. And yet this amazing asset is at risk RIGHT NOW.
The Province of Ontario plans to turn close to half of the park land over to an Austrian spa franchise which will cut down over 1500 trees and level the internationally recognized landscape to accommodate its enormous 13 storey (half the size of Rogers Centre) pay-to-play glass spa facility.
Unbelievably the Province has also committed the Ontario taxpayer to provide a huge subsidy, upwards of $650 million, to help out this commercial development, giving our public land away for 95 years. Write a letter and stand up for an Ontario Place for All!
support the future of ontario place
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Keep Ontario place a Place for everyone
Ontario Place for All is actively spreading the message that Ontario Place must remain a vibrant, publicly accessible, waterfront park. Learn more about the many ways our group and others like you are lending their voices to the movement to enhance this special place, because great cities need great public parks and public space.

20,000+ have joined the Campaign
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