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Steve Munro, FEB. 2020

Ontario Line: Many Questions, Few Answers 

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Now Toronto, FEB. 2020

Doug Ford’s Ontario Line headed down the wrong track

Continue reading, FEB. 2020

Ontario Place plans need a ‘rethink’. 

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Don’t Blow This New Opportunity at Ontario Place

Don’t Blow This New Opportunity at Ontario Place.

Ontario Place for All says the Ontario Government now has a chance to fix its mistake and start over with its plans to spoil the iconic park on Toronto’s waterfront. Ontario Place for All says the process for selecting the winning redevelopment proposal has been delayed, and the government should use the opportunity to rethink its approach to the idea.

To assist in the rethink, Ontario Place for All today released a framework for a reimagined Ontario Place, produced in conjunction with the International parks’ experts, HR&A Associates. Ontario Place, The Value of Toronto’s Public Space proves the government’s focus on the private sector redevelopment of Ontario Place delivers only short-term profits at the cost of longer-term benefits.

Toronto has benefitted from a new vision for the City’s waterfront that used existing heritage landscapes, prioritized the public nature of the spaces, and accommodated a wide mix of activities and diverse communities.

“When compared to public use spaces,” says the report, “commercial uses will typically create short-term improvements but at the expense of long-term enduring benefits.” It says public spaces create stable neighbourhoods, increasing social interaction between different groups and increasing residents’ sense of belonging.

The report also says City’s public spaces are a key reason companies and workers locate in Toronto. “Local amenities are particularly important for employees in the knowledge economy sector.” They increase the attractiveness of working in Toronto by 33%.

Ontario Place for All is calling on the government to use the report as a foundation for a new vision for Ontario Place, one that respects the heritage and cultural history of the site. It should take a more comprehensive approach to reimagine the lakefront site, starting with a robust consultation process. Ontario Place for All also believes there should be an international competition to come up with a new plan for Ontario Place, as was done for Toronto’s iconic City Hall. In the coming weeks, we will be asking you to support our call for a rethink and a competition to bring the best ideas forward.

Join us for a walk to imagine Ontario Place

Join us for a walk to imagine Ontario Place

Ontario Place for All, together with Patagonia, Park People, Environmental Defense, Protect our Winters Canada, and Swim Drink Fish, will be joining Patagonia’s ambassador to Ontario Place, Caroline Gleich, to introduce her to our wonderful community.

The Ontario government is looking at proposals for the future of this area. As residents who benefit greatly from the recreational, and soothing use of the grounds, we need to express how important it is to keep this space as wild and accessible as possible.

Ontario Place is already a space that is cherished by Ontarians and used by countless citizens and visitors to escape to nature on the shores of Lake Ontario.

As one of Patagonia’s leading global activists, Caroline is asking outdoor enthusiasts, environmental advocates and social activists in the GTA to walk the grounds of Ontario Place to imagine what could be when it comes to the redevelopment of the 155-acre grounds.

Come and join us all on Saturday, January 18 at 10:00 am!

Ontario Place
955 Lake Shore Blvd W, Toronto, ON, M6K 3B9

The Globe and Mail, DEC 2019

Expo 67′ legacy is safe. What about Ontario Place?

Those two sites face two very different futures. Part of the Expo site, now called Espace 67, recently received a full rebuild and remains public. But Ontario Place recently made the World Monuments Fund’s list of the 25 most endangered sites. One is a park, and the other could be sold for parts.

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City News, NOV. 2019

Ontario Place needs to be preserved, says architectural conservancy organization. 

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Construction Canada, NOV. 2019

Ontario Place is one of the world’s most at-risk structures.

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CTV News, OCT. 2019

Ontario Place among list of 25 at-risk monuments in the world. 

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Radio Canada, OCT. 2019

La Place de l’Ontario sur la liste de 25 sites à protéger du Words Monuments Fund

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