Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Invites Province to Consider A Better Idea for Ontario Place

Ontario Place for All Invites Province to Consider A Better Idea for Ontario Place

PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Demands Accountability for Ontario Place June Consultation

PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Demands Accountability for Ontario Place June Consultation

Press Release: Ontario Place for All Condemns Lack of Transparency and Consultation Around the Science Centre Move to Ontario Place

Press Release: Ontario Place for All Condemns Lack of Transparency and Consultation Around the Science Centre Move to Ontario Place 

How to deliver an effective Ontario Place deputation

Thanks to Terra Loire Gillespie for this guide – Taken from Terra’s Community Builder Toolbox, here: How to Present an Effective Public Deputation

1. Introduction

What is a public deputation?

A deputation is a short statement made by an individual, group of people, or representative of a larger group in a formal procedure. In Toronto, public deputations are presented to the City’s committees, sub-committees, and community councils that report to City Council. These committees hold regular meetings to discuss relevant committee issues and welcome members of the public to make a deputation, or send in written comments on specific items. Committees then make recommendations to City Council for a final decision.

Public deputations are important in the decision-making process as they allow constituents to officially voice their views or concerns about a particular matter. Anyone can make a deputation – it is your right as a constituent to do so!

This guide provides five steps for presenting a public deputation:

1. Find out when and where to make your public deputation

2. Reserve a spot on the speaker list with the Committee Clerk

3. Prepare your public deputation

4. Present your public deputation

5. Follow up


1. Find out when and where to make your public deputation

1a. What committee should you present your deputation to?

The committee that you present your deputation to will depend on your issue or concern. With over 60 committees, sub-committees and community councils, finding an appropriate committee related to your issue can be confusing! There are several types of committees, each with their own area of consideration:


Community Councils:

Considers planning and neighbourhood matters for their part of the city.

Community councils report to City Council, but also have final decision-making power on certain items, such as sign and fence by-law exemptions.

Community councils: Etobicoke York, North York, Scarborough, Toronto and East York

Standing Policy Committees:

Distinct mandates in areas of public service delivery and corporate operations, including: monitoring current program delivery, service levels and emerging issues, and recommending policy and program changes.

Examples of standing policy committees: Community Development and Recreation, Licensing and Standards, and Parks and Environment

Executive Committee:

Monitors and makes recommendations on the priorities, plans, international and intergovernmental relations, and the financial integrity of the City, including financial planning and budgeting, council and its operations, and fiscal policy.

Makes recommendations or refers to another committee any matter not within their mandate or that relates to more than one standing committee.

Several committees report mainly to the Executive, including: Affordable Housing Committee, Budget Committee, and Employee and Labour Relations Committee

Other Committees of Council:

Members of Council also serve on these committees that report directly to Council, including: Civic Appointments Committee, Board of Health, and Audit Committee

To find out more information on each of Toronto’s committees, sub-committees, and community councils, visit the Toronto City Council and Committees website. On each committee’s website, you’ll find information on:

What issues the committee oversees

Upcoming and past scheduled meetings (with related meeting agendas, minutes, committee decisions, and background reports)

Committee members

Contact information for the Committee Clerk

If you cannot find an appropriate committee, you can always contact Toronto 311 for more information.

1b. When and where is the next committee meeting?

To find out about upcoming committee meetings, you can use the City of Toronto’s meeting schedule calendar. The calendar is updated in real time and lists committee meeting dates, times, locations, and meeting agendas. If you already know which committee you will deputing at, you can also find upcoming meeting details on their website.

2. Reserve a spot on the speaker list with the Committee Clerk

To make a public deputation, you must reserve a spot on the speaker list with the Committee Clerk (also called a Secretariat). Contact information for a Committee Clerk can be found on a committee’s website. You can sign up as soon as a meeting’s agenda is made public, which is usually up to a week before the scheduled meeting.

To reserve a spot, you will need to provide the Clerk the following information:

The agenda item you will be speaking on.

Your (or your organization’s) full name and contact information.

If you require a translator, or if you will be bringing your own.

Things to keep in mind:

Deputation sign-ups are first-come, first-served. The courtesy deadline is 4:30pm the night before the scheduled meeting, but you can still sign up in-person on the day of the meeting.

To keep a written record, it is best to email your request to the Clerk.

Ask the Clerk to provide your speaker number in their response.

3. Prepare your public deputation

A public deputation is your chance to express your opinions or experiences with the issue. You only have a limited time to present, so you need to use it wisely! When preparing your public deputation, ask yourself: am I making my point in a clear and understandable way?

A typical deputation follows this format:

A) Thank the Chair and the committee.

B) Introduce yourself and why you are speaking. If you are representing a group, explain briefly their focus and concerns.

C) Explain your concerns and how they affect you and the community. While it’s best to be as personal as possible, using examples, statistics, and other research can help your argument.

D) Thank the Chair, the committee, and Council and remind them that you will be observing their voting on this issue.

The time limit for your presentation is five minutes, however, this can be reduced to 2-3 minutes at the discretion of the committee. Following your presentation, committee members may ask you questions. Each member is limited to five minutes, including their question and your answer.

If this is your first time deputing, you may want to attend a meeting beforehand to observe how a meeting is run and to watch other people depute. You can also find some examples of previous public deputation online, such as: Deputations on proposed cuts to student nutrition programs (December 7, 2011).

Be organized!

It’s always best to be well prepared for a deputation. If this is your first deputation, staying organized will help calm your nerves and ensure you don’t miss any important points. Keep these tips in mind for staying organized:

Write down a few notes, or your whole speech – whatever makes you feel more comfortable!

Practice your deputation ahead of time. Ask your friends and family for feedback.

If you are using supporting material, have their sources readily available to cite. After your deputation, a City Councillor may ask you about this.

Make sure you can adjust your speech time. If you are reading from a written statement, having two versions (five minutes and two minutes) is helpful.

Check for any meeting changes (time, location, etc.) the night before.

Know your topic!

Your deputation will be much more effective if you are well informed about your issue. You are not expected to be an expert, but you should know enough to answer questions from committee members. Some things to keep in mind:

What research has there been on your issue?

Providing statistics and support material can strengthen your argument.

Highlight evidence from other jurisdictions or from already-implemented programs in the city that are comparable.

What is the larger community’s outlook on your issue?

Linking your views with the broader community can help bolster your argument.

Scan social media and local newspapers.

Look up any advocacy groups that address your issue. They may assist you by providing useful resources and advice.

Where do committee members stand on your issue?

Knowing how committee members stand can help you tailor your argument.

Look at previous committee meeting minutes, council reports, and voting patterns.

Let your City Councillor know ahead of time that you will be making a deputation.

Invite them to come to the meeting room to hear you.

Send a copy of your deputation to your City Councillor.

Even if your City Councillor does not sit on the committee that you are presenting to, it is still useful to let them know your views and priorities. They may even give you useful tips for your presentation!

4. Present your public deputation

The following tips and instructions will help ease your nerves on your big day.

Arriving at the committee meeting room:

Be as early as possible.

Familiarize yourself with the room: the committee Chair sits at the front and centre of the committee room, the committee Clerk usually sits to the left of the committee Chair, committee members sit around the table. When it is their turn, Deputants sit facing the committee Chair.

Get a copy of the deputation list, which shows the order of speakers and the issues they are deputing.

Confirm the time allotment for speeches. While the standard time for a deputation is five minutes, this may be reduced to 2-3 minutes.

Be patient: some agenda items can take several hours if they are also hearing deputations.

Making your deputation:

The committee will call your name up to three times when it is your turn to speak. 

If you would like to provide supporting materials, give them to the Clerk for distribution.

Check if the microphone is on and adjust it as needed.

Thank the Chair and committee.

Introduce yourself and why you are speaking.

Speak evenly and clearly.

Smile, make eye contact, and try not to be nervous!

Be respectful, but don’t be afraid to challenge the committee if you are not being treated with respect or dignity.

At the end of your deputation, thank the Chair and committee again.

After your deputation:

Wait to see if committee members have any questions about your deputation.

If there are no questions, you are free to leave or can stay to hear the rest of the meeting.

Congratulate yourself on a job well done!

5. Follow up

A few weeks after the meeting, you will be sent a copy of the committee’s decision by mail.

Follow up with your City Councillor to see if they support your position and the committee’s decision.

Continue to watch for any new developments about your issue.

Ontario Place for All’s written deputation to Toronto-East York Community Council, April 12


April 11, 2023

Toronto & East York Community Council

Dear Chair Perks and members of the Community Council,

RE: TE4.36 – Ontario Place – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment – Status Report

Ontario Place is currently a free, open and accessible waterfront park that is used by more than a million people every year. It is also an internationally recognized architectural treasure. And yet this amazing asset is at risk RIGHT NOW with a private spa threatening to dominate Ontario Place.  

As the excellent staff report before you today details, the proposed development of Therme’s Mega spa at Ontario Place is dramatically at odds with both Toronto’s Official Plan and the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan which has governed the successful transformation of Toronto’s waterfront over the past 20 years. 

Since the development application was filed with the city, a growing chorus of voices from the public, urbanists, heritage experts, media and even the Waterfront Toronto/City Design Review Panel have raised concerns that are now laid out at a high level in the update report from City staff.

It is obvious that the 85,000 square metre mega spa facility and entrance is planned at a scale (throughput of 14,000 visitors/day) that is entirely unsuitable to the Ontario Place site.  The result of that mismatch is the need to:

·         clearcut and level the entire landscape of the Michael Hough designed 14.8-acre West Island (with a loss of over 800 trees)

·         carry out massive lake filling to expand the footprint of the West Island provide public access to the water’s edge

·         replace the existing west entrance to Ontario Place with a 37m Therme branded guest entrance pavilion.

·         replace the bridge to the West Island with a private multi-storey guest and administrative services structure.

·         Increase parking from 1200 to 2800 spaces, mostly accommodated in below lake facility that is to be paid for out the public purse at an estimated cost of $450 million.

The effect of the mismatch is to entirely obliterate the iconic prominence of the Cinesphere and Pods and destroy the fabric of the Hough-Zeidler design.

Another impact is the distance an Austrian spa franchise takes us from the original intent behind the creation of Ontario Place.  In 1970, then Premier John Robarts described the project in this way:  

“We felt there was a need in Ontario for something akin to a spiritual home/a touchstone of stability, a place where people could come, see and reflect upon the society that has been created in Ontario.  We felt there was a need for a place where we could examine our history, look at our cultural and economic growth and contemplate the challenges of the future.  In short, we wanted a place to re- affirm our identity as Ontarians and Canadians.”  


Replacing a public park that has a long history of access and participation with a commercial European spa complex that most Torontonians cannot afford to visit says nothing positive about Ontarians.

 In 2020, Ontario Place for All commissioned a report from HR&A Advisors on the Value of Public Space. The report found that Ontario Place has more sustainable long-term value as a high-quality, public space that creates diverse benefits for the regional community. It also found that public space tends to last longer (50-100 year investment lifespan vs. 20-30 year investment lifespan for commercial use) and isn’t subject to the risk of commercial failure. Good public space has real estate, tourism, sociocultural and talent benefits; this can all be confirmed by looking at the spaces around Waterfront Toronto designed sites such as Sugar Beach. A final observation the report made is that forward thinking cities across North America are actively investing in public space and reclaiming their waterfront assets for public use.

We are asking City Council to have that same forward-thinking vision and stand up for an Ontario Place for All.  


Ontario Place for All

Ontario Place for All Releases a Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire

Ontario Place for All Releases a Toronto Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire!


Open letter to Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)

Open letter to Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)

PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Condemns Compromised Ontario Place Heritage Impact Assessment


For immediate Release: Searching for accountability as the Ontario Place costs mount: What is in it for Ontario?

For immediate Release: 
Searching for accountability as the Ontario Place costs mount: What is in it for Ontario?

Press Release: Toronto must reject the application by Infrastructure Ontario that would turn Ontario Place’s West Island into a spa for the rich


November 25, 2022

The City of Toronto Must Stop the Vandalism of Ontario Place

Ontario Place for All is calling on the City of Toronto to reject the application by Infrastructure Ontario to redevelop Ontario Place’s West Island. The application would take the entirety of the West Island out of public hands and turn into a private spa for the rich.
“This is not the vision Ontarians have for Ontario’s most iconic urban park,” says Co-Chair Cynthia Wilkey. “Turning over public space to a private spa is unacceptable. Other cities around the world are more farsighted and are embracing the civic and economic value of spectacularly designed parks.” Wilkey said.  “City Council must turn down this development application and insist the Province produce a plan that better serves the people of Ontario.” 
Ontario Place for All is concerned that  the Ontario Government appears to be positioning itself to violate long-standing environmental and heritage protections in its efforts to destroy the West Island. Bill 23 threatens the statutory heritage protection for Ontario Place and the Province has exempted the West Island from the Ontario Place Environment Assessment that would put the plan to bulldoze all the trees and natural landscape under scrutiny.
Instead of celebrating this rare example of mid-century modernist design, the Ontario Government is promoting plans by a private (Austrian) company that flagrantly disrespect the innovative integration of architecture, engineering, landscape and water that is key to the cultural heritage value of Ontario Place. The threat of redevelopment has garnered global attention for Ontario Place and placed it on the World Monuments Fund 2020 Watch list for endangered places. 
“This proposal undermines a multi-generational effort to make the waterfront available to all when there is a dire need for public space to serve a rapidly expanding population”, says Ken Greenberg, one of the founders of Ontario Place for All. “How does leveling Michael Hough’s ground-breaking landscape design and replacing it with acres of greenhouses and tropical vegetation align with the Provincial commitment to preserving the rich cultural heritage of Ontario Place?  What has happened to the original intent that Ontario Place both democratize access to the waterfront and showcase the best of Ontario? 
Ontario Place for All says now is the time for Toronto City Council to reconsider its cooperation with the Province over Ontario Place and insist the park’s future incorporates important lessons from the COVID pandemic.  “We all saw how important open and publicly-accessible parkland is for preserving the health of a community,” says Co-Chair, Norm Di Pasquale. “Any significant shift to “pay to play” attractions would be a serious misstep.”
Ontario Place for All will continue to advocate for a long-term vision for Ontario Place that respects the core principles supported by thousands of Ontarians.
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For more information or for interviews
Cynthia Wilkey              (416) 892-8941
Norm Di Pasquale         (647) 917-3198
Our Core Principles

  • Ontario Place must be for ALL and kept publicly accessible.
  • There must be a thoughtful, comprehensive public review before any changes, with a full and robust public consultation that:
  •  conforms to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Report’s call for informed, respectful and meaningful consultation with Indigenous peoples over economic development.
  •  recognizes the diverse communities that use and contribute to Ontario Place.
  • Public interest, not commercial interest must drive the new vision. 
  •  Future plans must:
  •  acknowledge the waterfront’s Indigenous heritage and incorporate meaningful Indigenous consultation.
  • maintain Ontario Place as part of Toronto’s waterfront park system. 
  • be integrated with the revitalization of Exhibition Place. 
  • celebrate Ontario.
  • be guided by a collaboratively developed Strategic Conservation Plan that sustains Ontario Place as a recognized cultural heritage landscape. 
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