Press Releases

PRESS RELEASE: Tree cutting activity taking place at West Island Today

PRESS RELEASE: Tree cutting activity taking place at West Island Today Read More

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PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Expresses Disappointment and Concern after Motion Quashed by Superior Court of Justice

June 11, 2024PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Expresses Disappointment and Concern after Motion Quashed by Superior Court of Justice This morning Ontario Place for All’s application, seeking to have the government follow its own laws and conduct an Environmental Assessment of the planned obliteration of West Island, was...

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PRESS RELEASE: Studies reveal MegaSpa is the wrong project in the context of our climate emergency

On Earth Day, Ontario Place for All is releasing information that shows the construction & operation of the MegaSpa coupled with the loss of 1,500 trees will have an outsized climate impact, particularly in the context of our climate emergency. Read More

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Detailed review reveals MegaSpa slated for Ontario Place relies on massive injection of taxpayer money

Today, Ontario Place for All released a comprehensive review of the financial viability of the proposed MegaSpa at Ontario Place. It concludes that the business case for the MegaSpa does not make sense, with the MegaSpa losing money for years while costing Ontario’s taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars...

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Ontario Place for All Successfully Moves to Next Phase in Legal Action to Save West Island

In a decision issued this week, the Honourable Justice Backhouse of the Ontario Divisional Court declined to grant a motion by Doug Ford’s government to quash Ontario Place for All’s application for judicial review, stating that: “It cannot be said that OP4A’s concerns about governance in defiance of the...

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PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All condemns sudden closure of West Island

PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Condemns Sudden Closure of West Island Read More

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PRESS Release: Ontario Place for All takes legal action to stop the destruction of West Island

Ontario Place for All takes legal action to stop the destruction of West Island Read More

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Ontario Place for All Welcomes Auditor General Audit of Ontario Place and the Ontario Science Centre

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 3rd, 2023   Ontario Place for All Welcomes Auditor General Audit of Ontario Place   Ontario Place for All welcomes the audit of Ontario Place and the Ontario Science Centre, and hopes the Auditor General will shine a light on the opaque and rushed processes...

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Ontario Place for All Condemns Province’s Plan to Cut a “Significant” Number of Trees at Ontario Place as Part of Province’s Flawed Development Resubmission

Ontario Place for All Condemns Province’s Plan to Cut a “Significant” Number of Trees at Ontario Place as Part of Province’s Flawed Development Resubmission Read More

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PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Invites Province to Consider A Better Idea for Ontario Place

Ontario Place for All Invites Province to Consider A Better Idea for Ontario Place Read More

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PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Demands Accountability for Ontario Place June Consultation

PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Demands Accountability for Ontario Place June Consultation Read More

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Press Release: Ontario Place for All Condemns Lack of Transparency and Consultation Around the Science Centre Move to Ontario Place

Press Release: Ontario Place for All Condemns Lack of Transparency and Consultation Around the Science Centre Move to Ontario Place  Read More

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How to deliver an effective Ontario Place deputation

Thanks to Terra Loire Gillespie for this guide – Taken from Terra’s Community Builder Toolbox, here: How to Present an Effective Public Deputation 1. Introduction What is a public deputation? A deputation is a short statement made by an individual, group of people, or representative of a larger group in...

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Ontario Place for All’s written deputation to Toronto-East York Community Council, April 12

  April 11, 2023 Toronto & East York Community Council Dear Chair Perks and members of the Community Council, RE: TE4.36 – Ontario Place – Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment – Status Report Ontario Place is currently a free, open and accessible waterfront park that is used...

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Ontario Place for All Releases a Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire

Ontario Place for All Releases a Toronto Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire! Read More

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Open letter to Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)

Open letter to Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Read More

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PRESS RELEASE: Ontario Place for All Condemns Compromised Ontario Place Heritage Impact Assessment


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For immediate Release: Searching for accountability as the Ontario Place costs mount: What is in it for Ontario?

For immediate Release: Searching for accountability as the Ontario Place costs mount: What is in it for Ontario? Read More

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Press Release: Toronto must reject the application by Infrastructure Ontario that would turn Ontario Place’s West Island into a spa for the rich

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 25, 2022 The City of Toronto Must Stop the Vandalism of Ontario Place Ontario Place for All is calling on the City of Toronto to reject the application by Infrastructure Ontario to redevelop Ontario Place’s West Island. The application would take the entirety of the West...

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Making your voice heard about Ontario Place

6 things to do in October Vote, if you can, in the Toronto Municipal Election on October 24th  Register for the Provincial consultation event on October 27th  **Alert: keep trying to register – today the website says registration is closed.** Complete the Provincial online consultation opening on October 25th Send the...

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Ontario Place for All Summer Update

Ontario Place for All Summer Update Walk and talk Ontario Place – Sunday, September 11th Provincial plans squeeze out the public Therme erases Ontario Place’s iconic design Should the future of Ontario Place be a municipal campaign issue? Mark your calendar!!! Sunday, September 11th, walk and talk with: Journalist/Urbanists...

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Call to Action for Ontario Place

Put Ontario Back in Ontario Place The Government says it has a new vision for Ontario Place, but what is it?  Giving pieces of Ontario Place to three businesses who will charge people for pay-to-play entertainment does not amount to a vision! If you share our concern about this,...

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Pine Trees not Palm Trees at Ontario Place

Pine Trees not Palm Trees at Ontario Place Ontario Place for All says the government’s plans for Ontario Place are a total insult to the memory of former Premier William Davis, who opened the lakeside park fifty years ago this summer.  Spokesperson Cynthia Wilkey says when the Ford government...

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Ontario Place Turns 50!

ONTARIO PLACE TURNS 50! We want to thank the hundreds of you who signed on for our online rally last week kicking off the 50th-anniversary celebrations of Ontario Place. For those who missed the rally or had trouble signing in at the beginning, you can view the entire event here. ...

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Congratulations – You Did It!

Congratulations – You Did It! Ontario Place for All (OP4All) wants to thank all its members and supporters for the important victory they won yesterday – the Ontario government’s announcement that there is not going to be any wholesale destruction of Ontario Place. Thousands of you joined OP4All in...

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Fight for the Right To Swim at Ontario Place

Fight for the Right To Swim at Ontario Place  Ontario Place for All (OP4All) is calling on the Ontario government to permanently restore swimming at Ontario Place. OP4All’s Cynthia Wilkey says, “Four beaches were planned for Ontario Place when it opened almost fifty years ago. Now there are none....

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2021 will be critical for Ontario Place

2021 will be critical for Ontario Place  Ontario Place for All hopes you are well and staying safe during this COVID-19 pandemic. 2020 was a brutal year for all of us, and we can only hope things will be better next year.  Next Year 2021 will be the most important...

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Fight for the Right to be Consulted

Fight for the Right to be Consulted Ontario Place For All hopes you and yours are enduring these challenging times. Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter have changed all of our lives and promise to have an impact for years to come. We are at a critical point for the...

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Use Ontario Place to Help Fight COVID

Use Ontario Place to Help Fight COVID Ontario Place for All says, in light of the Covid outbreak, the provincial government should reconsider its plans to redevelop Ontario Place. “One thing became crystal clear over the past weekend,” says Ken Greenberg, urban designer and member of the Steering Committee...

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Don’t Blow This New Opportunity at Ontario Place

Don’t Blow This New Opportunity at Ontario Place. Ontario Place for All says the Ontario Government now has a chance to fix its mistake and start over with its plans to spoil the iconic park on Toronto’s waterfront. Ontario Place for All says the process for selecting the winning...

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Press Release, SEPT. 2019

End the Secrecy about the Future of Ontario Place For Immediate Release – September 24, 2019 Ontario Place for All is calling on the provincial government to lift the veil obscuring it’s plans for Ontario Place. Today is the deadline for developers to submit their proposals for redeveloping the...

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Come join Swim Drink Fish to imagine the future of Toronto’s waterfront

By Mark Mattson published on Waterkeeper on August 9, 2019.  Ontario Place: Come join us. Imagine the future of Toronto’s waterfront Friends, On Saturday, August 10 at 2:00pm on the southwest end of Ontario Place a few people interested in water access in Toronto are gathering to view and discuss the...

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Ontario Line Initial Business Case, JULY 2019

Ontario Line Initial Business case is available on the Metrolinx website.

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Let’s Keep Ontario Place in the Public Interest

International Parks Expert Supports Ontario Place for All John Alschuler, chair of HR&A Associates told more than 60 supporters of Ontario Place for All at a fundraiser last week that the Ontario Government was going in totally the wrong direction by opening up Ontario Place to private developers. Ontario...

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Statement of Cultural Heritage Value

The Ontario government has taken down Ontario Place Statement of Heritage Value from its website. Description of the property Ontario Place is located off the shore of Lake Ontario on Toronto’s western waterfront. The 63 hectare land and water lot property (28 hectares land, 35 hectares water) is located...

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Letter from Richard Longley

Close to a thousand of you have sent letters to Premier Ford and the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation opposing their plans for the possible destruction of Ontario Place. One of the supporters of Ontario Place for All, Richard Longley, sent us a copy of his letter, and...

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Let’s Turn Ontario Place into a 21st Century Park

by Ken Greenberg, Urban Designer, Author of Toronto Reborn and Member of Ontario Place for All Over the past few decades, we have learned that the sharing of green spaces in dense cities is essential to our well-being as human beings and social creatures. This has increased the desire for public parks...

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Press Release

Ontario Place for All says it is going to fight any attempt by the Ontario government to turn Ontario Place over to private business interests. The community group says the Development Proposal released today by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and Sport will allow developers to ban the public...

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Strong Support from Tourism Toronto

Tourism Toronto has released a Tourism Test that it says should guide any future redevelopment of Ontario Place. The test has six elements, that Tourism Toronto says are key to developing an exceptional visitor experience. An iconic new landmark Year-round destination Embrace the waterfront Retain heritage elements. Multi-modal access. Jointly planned...

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Overwhelming Support from Toronto City Council

Last week, Toronto City Council unanimously endorsed the fight to keep Ontario Place as a publicly accessible jewel on Toronto’s waterfront. Every Councillor at Tuesday afternoon’s meeting supported a motion by Mayor John Tory that established a strong City policy on the proposed revitalization of Ontario Place. The good news is the...

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Things are heating up at Ontario Place

Next week will see two pivotal events that could determine the future of Ontario Place, and whether it remains an Ontario Place that is for all of us. It could be a classic good news/bad news situation. First, starting Tuesday, Toronto City Council will meet to decide its position...

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